Here's a taste of what we can do.

Higher Education

Corporate Solutions

K-12 Food Service

3J's Coffee


Why Choose Us

We're more than just food service

We pride ourselves on creating high quality, unique dishes. At Omni Dining Service, you can always expect delicious and healthy options. We strive to incorporate items grown at local farms and from our local suppliers. Whether it's a classic favorite or a special new culinary dish that you crave, you'll always find our concepts providing diversity to your dining program. Satisfied but never content, always progressing forward.


Buying locally is both economically and socially beneficial for our clients as well as for Omni Dining Service.

Green Initiative

We have a responsibility to use our resources wisely, participate in practical everyday solutions, and protect our environment.

Nutrition Awareness

Omni will customize the Omnitritious program to best meet the specific needs of each service location and market segment.

Ready for Greatness?

Find out how Omni can take your food service experience to the next level!

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    Hershey Square #238, PO Box 351 Hershey, PA 17033